teisipäev, juuli 29, 2008

Kes ütleb, et armastuses on rohkem äkitselt ilmuvaid tundeid kui kindlat seismist oma armastatu kõrval?

Ma ootan.. Ma ootan, et elada armastades.

posted by Hedi @ 10:37 PM   4 comments

reede, juuni 06, 2008

Tule kuula uusi jutlusi.

HeartCry Missionary Society lehel Raising the Bar - Biblical Manhood Summit jutlused. Downloadimine võtab natuke aega.



posted by Hedi @ 9:53 PM   0 comments

Are You really saved?

vaatamist väärt.



posted by Hedi @ 8:15 PM   0 comments

pühapäev, aprill 20, 2008

Kuidas hoida ennast puhtana ...emotsionaalselt, füüsiliselt ja ka vaimulikult?

- Ära vaata sinu tõeskapidamistega vastusolus olevaid saateid ja veel parem, telekanaleid.
- Loobu lugemast uudisteportraale, meelelahutus lehekülgi ja ajaviitmis kohti, mille sisu pole Piibelike põhimõtetega kooskõlas ning mis seda märku annavad.

- hakka ilmalike halbade mõjudega kohtade asemel liikuma rohkem kotades ja üritusel, mis rõõmustaksid su Isa.
- Ära lase ennast mõelda vastasoost inimesest, kes pole sinu oma. Ühel päeval kui sa seisad oma abikaasa kõrval, soovid sa olla mõelnud ainult temast.
- Ära palveta kahekesi vastassoost inimesega, kui see pole keegi su perekonnast, pastor või abikaasa või kihlatu.
- Ära fantaseeri kellesti kättesaamatust, kujutletavast ega ka tuttavast inimesest. Isegi selle inimega abielludes on oluline hoida oma mõtted puhtad kuni abieluni - ajani, kui teid üsteisele
seaduslikult antakse.
- Hoidu jagamast oma kõige isilikumaid asju teistega, eriti vastassoost inimestega, se tekitab läheudse tunnet. Jaga neid ainult vajadusel, ja usaldusväärse kristlasega, või ema, õe, truu sõbra või nõuandjaga.

- Aksepteeri fakti, et meeste ja naiste vaheline suhtlemine on palju
keerulisem kui naiste vaheline, nagu vahel arvatakse. Vastassoost poolte vahel on alati oht minna süütust suhtlemisest kaugemale, kasvõi ainult mõtetes. Jeesuse sõnade järgi on se aga abielurikkumine.
- Hoia oma suhted v
astasooga sõbralikult eemalolevad. Emotsionaalne lähedus mitte abielus olevate inimeste vahel on üha parimatest asjadest kellelegi kinkimine, kes polegi su abikaasa.

Sildid: ,

posted by Hedi @ 6:31 PM   0 comments

kolmapäev, veebruar 20, 2008

Are You Near the Line?

(republished from Making Home)

If you can imagine a line beyond which a spouse would be committing adultery, I'm convinced that many couples live with their toes right up next to that line of marital infidelity. Yes, many. And yes, I'm talking about even Christian couples.

Comments and questions like these reveal a leaning toward the line rather than away from it:

"Well, it's only my husband and I. If we want to watch it, we're both adults and we can make that decision."

"Oh come on- we work together. It's only natural that we would have lunch together every now and then. It doesn't mean anything!"

"We've been friends since high school. Why would I give up such a close friend just because he's a guy and now I'm married?"

"It's not realistic to say, 'never be alone with a member of the opposite sex.' Seems legalistic to me- I know myself and I can handle it."

But the Bible puts different standards on children of God:

Not Even a Hint! (Eph. 5:3)
..."Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, because these are improper for God's holy people."

While the culture asks, "How much can I get away with", this standard asks, "Is there anything about what I'm doing that could cause offense or be misunderstood?" We are to be above and beyond reproach, so careful in our behavior as to preclude any possibility of criticism.

Being above reproach makes it clear that "wherever the line is, I'm nowhere near it." If this is my standard, I'm not going to ask how close I can get to sin without actually crossing over into sin. If that's what I'm asking, then it's likely I've already crossed the line according to the standards Jesus presents (i.e., "he who has lust in his heart..."). This is not about legalism, and it's not about pouring a bucket of cold water on fun. This is about protecting the one relationship in a married person's life that is designed to represent the relationship between Christ & the Church. We shouldn't even entertain a hint of sexual immorality.

Here's a few ideas to consider about having a "not even a hint" kind of standard:

True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely, Admirable, Excellent, Praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8)
Here is a lens or filter through which our thoughts ought to pass- is it true? is it noble? is it right? pure? lovely? is it worthy of admiration? could it be called excellent? is this thought worthy of praise? If it doesn't pass the test, then "we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Every affair, every sexual addiction, every action that has that "hint" of sexual immorality has started out as a thought. The Bayly brothers put it this way:

Unfaithfulness in marriage is not just a physical act; it's a way of life. It begins innocently enough--sidelong glances, the light brush of a shoulder, an offer to help put up the storm windows--all little things. But little things quickly grow until we discover we're in a prison built by our own hands. Seemingly without warning, we find that our wife or husband is no longer at the center of our heart; someone has taken their place.

Without a doubt, if this kind of behavior was stopped in its tracks at the thought level, it would never proceed into actions. They continue their warning:

I'm afraid many of us don't understand the danger of unfaithfulness today. We think we can engage in a deep and meaningful friendship with a woman other than our wife without considering the threat such relationships pose to our marriage. We think we can build an emotional dependency on a man other than our husband without introducing the danger of ending up in bed with that man. We blithely assume our marriages are indestructible. That's why too often, after our emotions have produced their physical fruit, we wake up shocked to be caught in adultery.

We fail to remember the lesson of adolescence--that emotional intimacy often leads directly to physical intimacy. [Read their entire article, "Emotional Intimacy & Adultery," here.]

Here we see it again- in terms of emotional intimacy and dependency... these are thought-level issues that bleed over into actions. If we cut them off at the thought level, there would be no illicit action. But if we entertain a little thought here, and a questionable glance there, pretty soon, we're not just to the line-- we've stepped over it into impropriety and sin.

The point is not to come up with a list of rules and then enforce them on your spouse, although having a list you consider and pray about together and follow would be an excellent thing. The point is not to be rude to every person of the opposite sex so as to avoid infidelity, although being cautious and guarded around the opposite sex would be wise. The point is not even to avoid every movie that has a certain rating, although this too may be a prudent decision for some people.

The point is this: Let's not "toe" the line. Let's not even be close to the line. Let's draw our own mental lines that keep us far away from the actual line of infidelity. Let's re-focus our minds to not focus on "how much can I get away with", but rather- "is there any hint of sexual immorality in my life?""Am I providing room for sin to spring up in my life by any action I'm taking or thoughts I'm entertaining?" Let's root out the sin of infidelity before it springs up in our lives.

soovides kaunist abielu abielus olevatele inimestele,


posted by Hedi @ 10:00 PM   0 comments

teisipäev, veebruar 05, 2008


Dating (Recrational Dating - meelelahutuslik kohtamine) kõneleb Paul Washer.

Be a Man räägib Paul Washer.

Marriage õpetab Paul Washer.

Sildid: ,

posted by Hedi @ 9:10 AM   0 comments

neljapäev, jaanuar 31, 2008

Love, does it abide for a liftime?
Bible tells it is stronger then death.
Thatś what my heart desires to be filled with.

Sildid: ,

posted by Hedi @ 10:55 AM   4 comments

teisipäev, jaanuar 29, 2008


Tänapäeva maailmas, kus truudust leiab nii harva, on selle mõiste tähendus meile nii kaugeks jäänud.

Truudus oma armastatule, truudus oma riigile. Olukord, kus pähe isegi ei tule reetmine.

Olukord, kus saab seista kindlana oma armastatu kõrval. Väärtuslikeim, igatsetuim, harvemini kohtaiv nähtus.

Piiblis olev Rutti ja Noomi lugu illustreerib antud konteksti täpsemalt. Rutt jättis kogu oma elu Noomi eest. Mitte ainult "vaba aja" ega töö, vaid kogu elu, ta pähendus täielikult Noomi teenimisele ja läks temaga sinna kuhu temagi läks.

Sellist pühendumist kogeme me tänapäeval harva.


Meie sõnad omavad tähendust kui pikaks ajaks? Kuuks, aastaks või viieks aastaks? Kas me sõnad ja lubadused, need mis näitavad truudust, peaks kestma igavesti? eriti veel, kui need on üeldud lubeduse kinnitamise valgel. "Igavesti sinu kõrval" "Alati mõtteis" "helista ükspuha mis ajal, kui abi vajad" on inimesed sünad, mida saab võtta lubadusena. Kui kaua siis sinu sõnad kehtivad?

me ei peaks lubama väikeseid asju, kui pole ka kindel et neid asju tõesti täidame; me ei peaks ka neid ütlema kindlas välendusviisi, mis külab kui lubadus.

Ja me peaks igal võimalikul juhul olema mees oma sõna taga. Ka naine, kui sellel on väiksesed nüansi erinevused.

Ärme ole siis lubaduste õhku viskajad, vaid nende pidajad ja hindame truudust!

Murtud lubadused vajavad parandamist, lubaduse täitmist või siirast andeks palumist. Kelle pead sina lubadust täitma?


posted by Hedi @ 10:03 PM   0 comments

reede, jaanuar 25, 2008

Kontrollküsimused abielu kaalumisel

Kontrollküsimused naisterahvale seoses abielu kaalumisega:

  1. Kas ta armastab Issandat rohkem kui mind ja elab kuulekalt Tema Sõnale?
  2. Kas temast tuleks hea abikaasa ja hea isa?
  3. Kas ta on võimeline armastama mind rohkem kui kedagi teist ja pühenduma eluks ajaks truult?
  4. Kas ta meeldib mulle, mul on tema seltsis hea ja kas ma saan temaga kõiksugu asjdest rääkida?
  5. Kas ma austan tema valikuid ja tahan usaldada end ja oma peret tema juhtimise alla?
  6. Kas ta on vaba abielluma? (pole kihlatud ega abielus, pole kellelegi lubanud ennast ära.)

Kontrollküsimused meesterahvale seoses abielu kaalumisega:

  1. Kas temast saaks Jumalat austav naine, kes tuleks oma tööde ja rolliga hästi toime ja oleks hea ema lastele?
  2. Kas ta armastab issandat ja tahab Teda austada?
  3. Kas ta jagab sinu vaadet kristlikust kodusest pererollidest ja tahab olla sinu juhtida kogu elu?
  4. Kas ta suudab armastab tingimusteta ja pühenduda sulle terveks eluks?
  5. Kas ta meeldib sulle ja sa tahad temaga aega veeta ning oma elu jagada?
  6. Kas ta on vaba abielluma? (pole kihlatud ega abielus, pole kellelegi lubanud ennast ära.)

Edukaid valikuid ja õigeid otsuseid Jumala sõna taustal! :)


posted by Hedi @ 10:27 PM   3 comments

Head lugemist..

Masculinity and Being Raised by a Single Mom räägib mehelikkusest ja sellest, kuidas emata kasvamine on teda pannud läbi minema rasketest episoodidest seoses oma rollina Piibelikust mehelikkusest.

Väga, väga hea klipp, kus
Albert Mohler selgitab abielu edasilükkamise patust! elustiili valikuna (ma poleks seda osanud nii väljendadagi!). Kuula lõpuni! KUULA!
See võib teha väljakutse sinu arusaamale abiellumisest!

Artikkel Albert Mohler'i poolt doonorlusest ning trendist, kus lastel on kaks naissoost vanemat- My Daddy's name is Donor?

Baylyblog: Protecting our daughters 5
kõneleb isade vastutusest ja rollist tütreid kaitsta ja poegade elus rolli mängida seoses naise võtmisega.

Midagi toredat ka:
Ameerika presidendi kandidatuuri kandidaat Mike Huckabee vastab abielu küsimusele. Minu hääl on tema poolt!

Sildid: ,

posted by Hedi @ 1:29 AM   0 comments